Thursday, 4 September 2008

Sanjaya of 'American Idol' on Nationwide's side


Former "American Idol" contestant Sanjaya (san-JY'-yah) has gone from "pitchy" to pitchman.

Sanjaya Malakar is marketing Nationwide Insurance in a new ad that's part of the Columbus, Ohio-based company's campaign, "Life Comes at You Fast."

Malakar says that's something he knows from personal experience. In a statement, he points out that he went from an unknown isaac Bashevis Singer to appearing before of millions of people on "Idol."

In the commercial, Malakar visits a wise man who tells him he needs a retirement design - and a haircut. He sports a "ponyhawk" hairstyle similar to the one he made famous while competing on the Fox network show, where the judges often hold off-key singing "pitchy."

Other celebrities who have poked sport at themselves for Nationwide include Kevin Federline, Fabio and MC Hammer.

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